Lifestyle Market Research
Ten years ago, thousands of consumers and businesses worldwide shared their opinions about gluten free and food allergy lifestyles through a groundbreaking research study conducted and funded by Gluten and Allergy Free Passport.
Now today, over 16,000 consumers representing all 50 US states and over 35 countries share their preferences and experiences to continue to drive progress across the global community including restaurants, food service, travel providers and manufacturers.
Download Global Lifestyle Research Highlights
Radio Interviews and Podcasts on Global Lifestyle Research, Food Service and Travel
Soup-To-Nuts Podcast with Kim Koeller and Jen Cafferty, President of Gluten Free Media Group discussing consumer experiences, gluten free and food allergy trends and sales impact
Recent market research data confirms that Quality of Life considerations for those managing gluten free diets, celiac / coeliac disease and food allergies have continued to remain similar from 10 years ago.
Over the past 10 years, TASTE is the #1 priority for consumers in the US and worldwide when buying gluten free and allergy friendly products.
Top travel concerns for consumers managing gluten free and allergy friendly lifestyles continue to be the availability of special meals and snacks as well as eating out in restaurants.
Consumers managing gluten free and allergy friendly lifestyles continue to be extremely loyal and discerning customers. Providing safe meals the first time equals loyal repeat customers and increased revenues.
Additional consumer behaviors and preferences continue to change based on the evolving marketplace and overall public awareness of gluten free and allergy friendly lifestyles.
Landmark research sponsored and funded exclusively by
Gluten Free Passport & Nourished Group / Find Me Gluten Free