Guest Speaking & Education
Educating Businesses and Individuals Worldwide
As Founder of Gluten and AllergyFree Passport, Kim Koeller is a sought after speaker and has worked on-site with clients on four continents while traveling almost 3 million miles around the world. After overcoming years of misdiagnosis, she also personally manages celiac disease and several food allergies including dairy, fish, shellfish and preservatives.
She is also an international business executive, former Accenture partner and the multi-award winning creator of the Let’s Eat Out Around the World series of books, ebooks, language cards, country travel bundles and and Apple app. Trusted by customers in over 60 countries, this pioneering series is the winner of the Best Health Book of the Year Award and has won 20-plus quality and innovation awards.

With over 25 years of public speaking expertise at national and international conferences, Kim educates business executives, food service professionals and the global gluten free community on lifestyle considerations, travel and food safety.
Contact us to confirm Kim for future speaking engagements
Radio Interviews and Podcasts on Global Lifestyle Research, Food Service and Travel
Soup-To-Nuts Podcast with Kim Koeller and Jen Cafferty, President of Gluten Free Media Group discussing consumer experiences, gluten free and food allergy trends and sales impact
Gluten Free Consumer Lifestyle Survey Highlights with Kim Koeller and Sue Jennett, Founder of Canadian Celiac Blog
Kim Koeller discusses Traveling The World With Coeliac / Celiac Disease & Food Allergies
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